Bailey Tawse Leather

SKU: BailyTawseLeather Category:

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The thing about our LeatherWerks Craftsmen is that once they latch on to an idea, they won’t rest until they’ve redesigned and reworked it into something new. That’s the artisan mindset for you. Since the single-layer Tawse worked so well, they’ve taken the idea and expanded it, so we have the Bailey Tawse. We’re talking approximately 36 of oiled, black harness leather folded over a D-ring with four rivets to keep the impact toy together… and behold, the two-layered Tawse! The end result is a tawse that is 3/8 thick, with a single 9 cut in each end. Now you can double your thrill, and his, with twice the impact and twice the burn. Oh, baby. Now you’re talking our language.