Basket Weave Belt Ring


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Made to go with the basket weave, embossed leather, Sam Browne belt, you can really wear it with anything. It’s actually intended to hold a flashlight on your duty belt, but it’s good for a lot of purposes. Holds keys, t-shirts, nightsticks, you name it. The weave design shows off most any belt. Comes in 1-1/2 inch or 2 inch sizes, depending on your duty belt. It’s the perfect accessory when you’re in your full Sam Browne gear.

Made to go with the basket weave, embossed leather, Sam Browne belt, you can really wear it with anything. It’s actually intended to hold a flashlight on your duty belt, but it’s good for a lot of purposes. Holds keys, t-shirts, nightsticks, you name it. The weave design shows off most any belt. Comes in 1-1/2 inch or 2 inch sizes, depending on your duty belt. It’s the perfect accessory when you’re in your full Sam Browne gear.