Bulldog Handcuff Harness


SKU: BulldogHandcuffHarness Category: Tags: , , , , , ,

Everyone is breaking the law to get their hands on you while you are wearing this harness. Leather and cuffs… what a cock throbbing combination!

You don’t need to commit a crime to get this harness, just get it from LeatherWerks. This sexy bulldog style handcuff harness is totally badass. The Bulldog Handcuff Harness is hand crafted here at LeatherWerks from 1.25 inch trifold leather straps and two legitimate sets of real law enforcement handcuffs. Not only is this an awesome harness, but in a tight spot you’ve also got handcuffs to add to your play. The harness is available with either black or stainless-steel hardware, and the fully functional handcuffs come with keys. A harness like this was made for a delinquent like you… so ‘cuff him boys!!!